Indicators and Services

1st season pasture planting roots, many with rhizosheaths – the beginning of soil structure.

Under Construction, more to come.

I will be adding more contact info and possibly an online form to request specific indicators and other services.

Please send any requests or comments to Chuck at or at proton . me (email addresses).

To the right is a screenshot of the major indicators, otherwise known as soil “tests”, that I am offering to do for you. I can either perform them myself or I can teach you how to do the majority of them yourself. Notice that with some exceptions these are not your standard soil tests. Tests that have a green check are always performed.

The red “lab” indicates that the test is performed in my lab here in Grand Junction. I was a lab tech for five years at the Colorado State University Soil Testing Lab and I’ve also been involved in field lab soil testing for Soil Survey for almost 30 years. These tests are performed with standardized procedures performed at Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory with replicates and known standards. Some tests are done with a Kit, as indicated (Microbiometer or Solvita). Kit tests are not run with replicates unless requested (extra fee applies).

Here is a link to download the full spreadsheet showing all data and services available. Services in a nutshell include Monitoring and data gathering, coaching clients (to do the same monitoring), and teaching field/lab classes and demonstrations.

A standard flat rate consulting fee is charged per hour unless otherwise noted ( school activities are deeply discounted).

Below is an example of a portion of a final report. Along with this I provide a more in depth evaluation of each indicator and suggestions for future management.

This one report is a “snapshot in time” showing the present status of the indicators. If you choose to keep working with me I will compare the data progressively (graphing) through time so you can track your progress visually.